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Krammer, K. (2003). Cymbopleura, Delicata, Navicymbula, Gomphocymbellopsis, Afrocymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G.,, 4: 529 pp.
Krammer, K.
Cymbopleura, Delicata, Navicymbula, Gomphocymbellopsis, Afrocymbella
In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G.,
4: 529 pp.
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2017-03-13 11:28:02Z

Afrocymbella K. Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Afrocymbella aschersonii (Otto Müller) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Gomphocymbella aschersonii var. aschersonii Otto Müller, 1905 (new combination reference)
Afrocymbella beccarii (Grunow) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Caloneis vandermerwei Cholnoky, 1957 (new combination reference)
Afrocymbella gracilis (Hustedt) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Gomphocymbella gracilis Hustedt, 1931 (new combination reference)
Afrocymbella kociolekii K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Afrocymbella muelleri (Kociolek & Stoermer) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Gomphocymbella muelleri Kociolek & Stoermer, 1993 (new combination reference)
Afrocymbella muelleri var. acuminata K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Afrocymbella pergracilis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Afrocymbella reichardtii K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Afrocymbella reichardtii var. procera K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Afrocymbella tanganikae (Kociolek & Stoermer) K. Krammer, 2003 accepted as Gomphocymbella tanganyikae Kociolek & Stoermer, 1993 (new combination reference)
Amphora twenteana K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbella diversiforamina Schiller & Krammer, 2003 † (original description)
Cymbella dobsonensis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbella parvulissima Schiller & Krammer, 2003 † (original description)
Cymbella subcymbiformis Schiller & Krammer, 2003 † (original description)
Cymbella subparviformis Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbellopsis persantosana Metzeltin & Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbellopsis santosana Metzeltin & Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura acuta (A.Schmidt) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella americana var. acuta A.Schmidt, 1881 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura acuta var. angusta Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura acutiformis Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura acutiuscula (Cleve) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella acutiuscula Cleve, 1894 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura albanica Krammer & Miho, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura amphicephala (Nägeli) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella amphicephala Näegeli, 1849 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura ampullacea (Hustedt) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella ampullacea Hustedt, 1942 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura ampullacea var. lata K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura anglica (Lagerstedt) Krammer, 2003 † (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura angustata (W.Smith) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Navicula angustata var. angustata W. Smith, 1853 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura angustata var. fontinalis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura angustata var. spitsbergensis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura angustata var. tenuis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura apiculata Krammer, 2003 † (original description)
Cymbopleura argentina K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura argentina var. subapiculata K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura austriaca (Grunow) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella austriaca Grunow, 1875 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura brasiliana Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura broenlundensis (Foged) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella broenlundensis Foged, 1955 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura budayana (Pantocsek) Krammer, 2003 † accepted as Cymbella budayana Pantocsek, 1892 † (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura citriformis K.Krammer, 2003 † (original description)
Cymbopleura citrus (Carter & Bailey-Watts) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella citrus Carter & Bailey-Watts, 1981 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura cleveana K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura crassinervia Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin & Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura crassipunctata Krammer, 2003 † (original description)
Cymbopleura crassipunctata var. nonornata Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura cuspidata (Kützing) Krammer, 2003 † accepted as Cymbella cuspidata Kützing, 1844 † (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura declivis D.Metzeltin & K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura diminuta (Grunow) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella obtusa var. diminuta Grunow, 1882-1885 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura disposita (Hustedt) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella disposita Hustedt, 1955 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura distinguenda (Hustedt) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Celebesia distinguenda (Hustedt) D. Kapustin, Kulikovskiy & Kociolek, 2017 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura dorserostrata Krammer & Metzeltin, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura elliptica K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura florentina (Grunow) K.Krammer, 2003 † accepted as Cymbella subaequalis var. florentina Grunow, 1880 † (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura florentina var. brevis K.Krammer, 2003 † (original description)
Cymbopleura florentiniformis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura fluminea (R.Patrick & L.R.Freese) Lange-Bertalot & K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella fluminea R.Patrick & L.R.Freese, 1961 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura frequens Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura frequens var. rivularis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura frequens var. saxonica K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura geofriedii Reichardt ex K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura gutwinskii (Wislouch) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella ehrenbergii var. gutwinskii Wislouch, 1924 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura hauckii (Van Heurck) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella hauckii van Heurck, 1887 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura heilprinensis (Foged) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella heilprinensis Foged, 1955 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura hercynica (A.Schmidt) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella hercynica A.Schmidt, 1875 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura hintzii K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura hornii (Foged) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella hornii Foged, 1964 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura hustedtiana K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura hybrida (Grunow ex Cleve) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella hybrida Grunow ex Cleve, 1894 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura hybrida var. capitata (Fontell) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella hybrida var. capitata Fontell, 1917 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura inaequaliformis Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura inaequalis (Ehrenberg) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Navicula inaequalis Ehrenberg, 1836 † (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura inaequilatera (Lagerstedt) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Navicula inaequilatera Lagerstedt, 1873 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura incerta (Grunow) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella incerta Grunow, 1878 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura incerta var. grunowii Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura incerta var. spitsbergensis Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura incertiformis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura incertiformis var. crassipunctata (K.Krammer) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella incerta var. crassipunctata Krammer, 1985 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura incertiformis var. inariensis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura incertiformis var. julma K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura incertiformis var. laterostrata K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura incertiformis var. linearis (Fontell) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella incerta var. linearis Fontell, 1917 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura inducta (Hustedt) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella inducta Hustedt, 1955 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura infirma K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura kanakarum Lange-Bertalot & Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura korana Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura krasskei (Foged) K.Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella obtusa f. krasskei Foged, 1953 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura kuelbsii K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura kuelbsii var. nonfasciata K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura labradoriana Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura laeviformis K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura lanceolata (Krammer) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella hybrida var. lanceolata Krammer, 1985 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura lange-bertalotii K.Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura lapponica (Grunow) Krammer, 2003 † accepted as Cymbella lapponica Grunow ex Cleve, 1894 † (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura lata (Grunow) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella lata Grunow ex Cleve, 1894 (new combination reference)
Cymbopleura lata var. americana Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura lata var. irrorata Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura lata var. latetruncata Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura lata var. lura Miho & Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura lata var. truncata Krammer, 2003 (original description)
Cymbopleura laterostrata (Hustedt) Krammer, 2003 accepted as Cymbella laterostrata Hustedt, 1955 (new combination reference)
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