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Flower, R.J. (2005). A taxonomic and ecological study of diatoms from freshwater habitats in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic. Diatom Research. 20(1): 23-96.
10.1080/0269249X.2005.9705620 [view]
Flower, R.J.
A taxonomic and ecological study of diatoms from freshwater habitats in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic
Diatom Research
20(1): 23-96
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2017-03-13 11:28:02Z

Chamaepinnularia bremoides R.J.Flower, 2005 (original description)
Cyclotella stelligera var. microrobusta R.J.Flower, 2005 accepted as Discostella stelligera var. microrobusta R.J.Flower, 2006 (original description)
Discostella stelligera var. microrobusta R.J.Flower, 2006 (new combination reference)
Distrionella germainii (Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot) E.A.Morales, Bahls, L.L. & Cody, W.R., 2005 accepted as Fragilaria germainii E.Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot, 1990 (new combination reference)
Distrionella germainii f. acostata (Lange-Bertalot) R. Flower, 2005 accepted as Fragilaria germainii f. acostata H. Lange-Bertalot in U. Rumrich, H. Lange-Bertalot & M. Rumrich, 2000 (new combination reference)
Fragilariforma lata var. acuta R.J. Flower, 2005 (original description)
Frustulia neofrenguellii var. adamensis R.J. Flower, 2005 (original description)
Frustulia pseudoundosa R.J. Flower, 2005 (original description)
Hantzschia kuri R.J. Flower, 2005 (original description)
Neidium subampliatum (Grunow) R. Flower, 2005 (new combination reference)
Pinnunavis elegans var. cuspidata (Cleve) R. Flower, 2005 accepted as Navicula elegans var. cuspidata Cleve, 1895 (new combination reference)
Psammothidium abundans var. ellipticum (Manguin) R. Flower, 2005 (new combination reference)
Psammothidium pseudoinvestians R.J. Flower, 2005 (original description)
Pseudostaurosira microstriata (Marciniak) Flower, 2005 accepted as Fragilaria microstriata Marciniak, 1982 (new combination reference)
Pseudostaurosira microstriata var. spinosa R.J. Flower, 2005 (original description)
Punctastriata discoidea R.J. Flower, 2005 (original description)
Staurosira aventralis var. asymmetrica R.J. Flower, 2005 accepted as Pseudostaurosira floweri (Flower) E.Morales, 2017 (original description)
Staurosira contorta R.J. Flower, 2005 (original description)
Staurosirella pinnata var. subrotunda (Mayer) R. Flower, 2005 accepted as Fragilaria pinnata var. subrotunda Mayer, 1937 (new combination reference)
Surirella brebissonii var. lineata R.J. Flower, 2005 (original description)
Holotype BM 101139, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Chamaepinnularia bremoides R.J.Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101140, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Cyclotella stelligera var. microrobusta R.J.Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101141, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Fragilariforma lata var. acuta R.J. Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101142, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Frustulia pseudoundosa R.J. Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101143, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Frustulia neofrenguellii var. adamensis R.J. Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101144, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Hantzschia kuri R.J. Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101146, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Psammothidium pseudoinvestians R.J. Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101147, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Pseudostaurosira microstriata var. spinosa R.J. Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101148, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Punctastriata discoidea R.J. Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101149, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Staurosira aventralis var. asymmetrica R.J. Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101150, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Staurosira contorta R.J. Flower, 2005
Holotype BM 101151, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Surirella brebissonii var. lineata R.J. Flower, 2005
Neotype BM BM101145, geounit Malvinas/Falklands, identified as Neidium subampliatum (Grunow) R. Flower, 2005
 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 74 [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 45 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 45 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 46 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 67 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 68 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 40 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 40 (Flower, 2005).  [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 86 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 98 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 4 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 15 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 10 (Flower, 2005) [details]

 Type specimen

Iconotype: Figure 94 (Flower, 2005) [details]

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