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Simonsen, R. (1979). The diatom system: ideas on phylogeny. Bacillaria, 2: 9-71
Simonsen, R.
The diatom system: ideas on phylogeny
2: 9-71
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2017-03-13 11:28:02Z

Acanthoceras zachariasii (Brun) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira accincta (Hohn & Hellerman) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira aculeifera (Sheshukova-Poretskaya) Simonsen, 1979 † (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira agassizii (Ostenfeld) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira agassizii var. malayensis (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira ambigua (Grunow) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira americana (Kützing) Simonsen, 1979 † (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira argus (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira baicalensis (K. Meyer) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira bellicosa (Héribaud) Simonsen, 1979 † (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira camusii (Héribaud) Simonsen, 1979 † (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira canadensis (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1979 † (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira canalifera (Brun & Héribaud) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira canalifera var. anastomosans (Héribaud) Simonsen, 1979 † (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira cataractorum (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira distans (Ehrenberg) Simonsen, 1979 † (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira distans f. lacustris (Grunow) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira lyrata f. lacustris Grunow in Van Heurck, 1882 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira distans var. africana (O.Müll.) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira distans var. alpigena (Grunow) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Aulacoseira alpigena (Grunow) Krammer, 1991 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira distans var. limnetica (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira distans var. lirata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Aulacoseira lirata (Ehrenberg) R. Ross in Hartley, 1986 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira elegans (Mukhina) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira elegans Mukhina in Jousé & Mukhina, 1978 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira excurrens (Nygaard) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira excurrens Nygaard, 1956 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira goetzeana (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira goetzeana f. goetzeana Otto Müller, 1904 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira granulata f. curvata (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira granulata f. curvata Hustedt, 1935 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima (O.F.Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira granulata f. angustissima Otto Müller, 1899 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira granulata var. jonensis (Grunow) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira granulata var. jonensis Grunow in Van Heurck, 1882 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira granulata var. muzzanensis (Meister) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Aulacoseira muzzanensis (Meister) Krammer, 1991 accepted as Melosira muzzanensis Meister, 1912 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira granulata var. valida (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira herzogii (Lemmermann) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira ikapoensis (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira ikapoensis var. ikapoensis Otto Müller, 1904 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira ikapoensis var. procera (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira ikapoensis var. procera Otto Müller, 1904 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira inordinata (Lohman & Andrews) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira inordinata Lohman & Andrews, 1968 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira interrupta (Lohman & Andrews) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira interrupta Lohman & Andrews, 1968 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira islandica (O.Müller) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira italica (Ehrenberg) Simonsen, 1979 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira italica var. tenuissima (Grunow) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira tenuissima Grunow, 1882 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira italica var. valida (Grunow) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira italica var. valida Grunow, 1881 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira karelica (Mölder) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira karelica Mölder, 1951 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira kondeensis (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira kondeensis Otto Müller, 1904 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira longispina (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira longispina var. longispina Hustedt in Huber-Pestalozzi, 1942 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira longispina var. tenuis (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira longispina var. tenuis F.Hustedt, 1942 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira magnusii (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira magnusii Otto Müller, 1904 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira mbasiensis (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira mbasiensis Otto Müller, 1904 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira mexicana ‘Grunow' Simonsen, 1979 (taxonomy source)
Aulacoseira nyassensis (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira nyassensis var. nyassensis Otto Müller, 1903 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira nyassensis var. victoriae (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira nyassensis var. victoriae Otto Müller, 1908 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira papilio (Mukhina in Jousé & Mukhina) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira papilio Mukhina in Jousé & Mukhina, 1978 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira patagonica (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira lineolata var. patagonica Otto Müller, 1909 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira pella (Lohman & Andrews) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira pella Lohman & Andrews, 1968 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira praegranulata (Jousé) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira praegranulata f. praegranulata Jousé, 1952 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira praegranulata f. curvata (Jousé) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira praegranulata f. curvata Jousé, 1952 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira praeislandica (Jousé) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira praeislandica f. praeislandica Jousé, 1952 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira pseudogranulata (Cleve-Euler) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira pseudogranulata Cleve-Euler, 1948 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira pyxis (Otto Müller) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira pyxis f. pyxis Otto Müller, 1904 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira tenella (Nygaard) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira tenella Nygaard, 1956 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira vitrea (Lohman & Andrews) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Melosira vitrea Lohman & Andrews, 1968 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis R. Simonsen, 1979 (original description)
Denticulopsis dimorpha (Schrader) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula dimorpha Schrader, 1973 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis hustedtii (R.Simonsen ex T.Kanaya) R.Simonsen † accepted as Denticula hustedtii R.Simonsen ex T.Kanaya (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis kamtschatica (Zabelina) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula kamtschatica M.M. Zabelina, 1934 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis lauta (Bailey) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula lauta Bailey, 1854 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis lauta var. ovata (Schrader) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula lauta var. ovata Schrader, 1976 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis maccollumii Simonsen, 1979 (original description)
Denticulopsis miocaenica (Schrader) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula miocenica Schrader, 1973 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis nicobarica (Grunow) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula nicobarica Grunow, 1868 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis norvegica (Schrader) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula norwegica Schrader in Schrader & Fenner, 1976 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis punctata (Schrader) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula punctata Schrader, 1973 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis punctata f. hustedtii (Schrader) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula punctata f. hustedtii Schrader, 1973 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis seminae (Simonsen & Kanaya) Simonsen, 1979 † accepted as Denticula seminae R.Simonsen & T.Kanaya, 1961 (new combination reference)
Denticulopsis seminae f. fossilis (Koizumi) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Denticula seminae f. fossilis Koizumi ex Schrader, 1973 (new combination reference)
Pseudotriceratium wallichii (Ralfs in Pritchard) Simonsen, 1979 accepted as Triceratium wallichii Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 (new combination reference)
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