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DiatomBase source details

Hartley, B., Ross, R. & Williams, D.M. (1986). A check-list of the freshwater, brackish and marine diatoms of the British Isles and adjoining coastal waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 66(3): 531-610.
Hartley, B., Ross, R. & Williams, D.M.
A check-list of the freshwater, brackish and marine diatoms of the British Isles and adjoining coastal waters
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
66(3): 531-610
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2017-03-13 11:28:02Z

Acanthoceras zachariasii (Brun) Simonsen, 1979 (additional source)
Achnanthes Bory, 1822 (additional source)
Achnanthes affinis Grunow, 1880 accepted as Achnanthidium affine (Grunow) Czarnecki, 1994 accepted as Achnanthes affinis var. affinis Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 (additional source)
Achnanthes altaica (V.S.Poretzky) A.Cleve, 1953 accepted as Psammothidium altaicum (Poretzky) L.Bukhtiyarova, 1996 (additional source)
Achnanthes amphicephala Hust., 1939 (basis of record)
Achnanthes andicola (Cleve) Hust., 1911 accepted as Lemnicola hungarica (Grunow) F.E.Round & P.W.Basson, 1997 accepted as Achnanthidium hungaricum Grunow, 1863 (basis of record)
Achnanthes angustata Grev., 1859 (additional source)
Achnanthes aperta J.R.Carter, 1981 accepted as Skabitschewskia aperta (Carter) Kulikovskiy & Lange-Bertalot, 2015 (basis of record)
Achnanthes atomus Hust., 1937 accepted as Achnanthidium atomus (Hustedt) Monnier, Lange-Bertalot & Ector in Monnier et al., 2004 accepted as Achnanthes atomus var. atomus Hust., 1937 (basis of record)
Achnanthes aubertii Hérib., 1920 † (basis of record)
Achnanthes austriaca Hust., 1922 accepted as Eucocconeis austriaca (Hustedt) H. Lange-Bertalot apud H. Lange-Bertalot & S.I. Genkal in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), 1999 accepted as Achnanthes austriaca var. austriaca Hust., 1922 (basis of record)
Achnanthes austriaca var. austriaca Hust., 1922 accepted as Achnanthes austriaca Hust., 1922 accepted as Eucocconeis austriaca (Hustedt) H. Lange-Bertalot apud H. Lange-Bertalot & S.I. Genkal in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), 1999 (basis of record)
Achnanthes austriaca var. helvetica Hust., 1933 accepted as Psammothidium helveticum (Hustedt) L.N.Bukhtiyarova & Round, 1996 (basis of record)
Achnanthes austriaca var. parallela Krasske, 1932 (basis of record)
Achnanthes austriaca var. ventricosa Krasske, 1932 accepted as Psammothidium helveticum (Hustedt) L.N.Bukhtiyarova & Round, 1996 (basis of record)
Achnanthes biasolettiana Grunow, 1880 accepted as Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (Hustedt) H.Kobayasi, 1997 accepted as Achnanthes pyrenaica var. pyrenaica Hustedt, 1939 (additional source)
Achnanthes bicapitata Hustedt, 1952 (basis of record)
Achnanthes borealis A.Cleve, 1895 accepted as Skabitschewskia borealis (Cleve) Kulikovskey & Lange-Bertalot, 2015 (basis of record)
Achnanthes boyei Østrup, 1918 accepted as Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Bukhtiyarova, 1999 (basis of record)
Achnanthes brevipes C.Agardh, 1824 (additional source)
Achnanthes brevipes var. angustata (Greville) Cleve, 1895 (basis of record)
Achnanthes brevipes var. brevipes Agardh, 1824 (additional source)
Achnanthes brevipes var. intermedia (Kützing) Cleve, 1895 accepted as Achnanthes intermedia Kützing, 1833 (additional source)
Achnanthes brevipes var. parvula (Kützing) Cleve, 1895 accepted as Achnanthes parvula Kützing, 1844 (additional source)
Achnanthes calcar Cleve, 1891 accepted as Gliwiczia calcar (Cleve) M.Kulikovskiy, Lange-Bertalot & A.Witkowski, 2013 (basis of record)
Achnanthes ceramii Hendey, 1977 (basis of record)
Achnanthes clevei Grunow, 1880 accepted as Karayevia clevei (Grunow) Round & Bukhtiyarova, 1999 (basis of record)
Achnanthes clevei var. bottnica Cleve, 1891 (additional source)
Achnanthes clevei var. rostrata Hustedt, 1930 (basis of record)
Achnanthes coarctata (Brébisson ex W.Smith) Grunow, 1880 (basis of record)
Achnanthes coarctata var. coarctata (Brébisson ex W. Smith) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 accepted as Achnanthidium coarctatum var. coarctatum Brébisson ex W. Smith, 1855 (basis of record)
Achnanthes coarctata var. elliptica Krasske, 1929 (basis of record)
Achnanthes coarctata var. sinaensis Hustedt, 1949 (basis of record)
Achnanthes conspicua A.Mayer, 1919 accepted as Planothidium conspicuum (A.Mayer) M.Aboal, 2003 accepted as Achnanthes conspicua var. conspicua A.Mayer, 1919 (basis of record)
Achnanthes conspicua var. brevistriata Hustedt, 1930 (basis of record)
Achnanthes conspicua var. conspicua A.Mayer, 1919 (basis of record)
Achnanthes curtissima J.R.Carter, 1963 accepted as Psammothidium microscopicum (Cholnoky) S. Blanco, 2016 (basis of record)
Achnanthes danica (Flögel) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 (additional source)
Achnanthes delicatula (Kützing) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 accepted as Planothidium delicatulum (Kützing) Round & Bukhtiyarova, 1996 accepted as Achnanthidium delicatulum f. delicatulum Kützing, 1844 (additional source)
Achnanthes delicatula subsp. hauckiana (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot & Ruppel, 1980 accepted as Planothidium hauckianum (Grunow) Round & Bukhtiyarova, 1996 (basis of record)
Achnanthes depressa (Cleve) Hustedt, 1933 (basis of record)
Achnanthes dispar Cleve, 1891 accepted as Planothidium dispar (Cleve) Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, 2000 accepted as Achnanthes dispar var. dispar Cleve, 1891 (additional source)
Achnanthes divergens A.Cleve, 1953 (basis of record)
Achnanthes exigua Grunow, 1880 (additional source)
Achnanthes exigua var. constricta (Grunow) Hustedt, 1921 accepted as Achnanthes exigua Grunow, 1880 (additional source)
Achnanthes exigua var. heterovalva Krasske, 1923 accepted as Achnanthidium exiguum var. heterovalvum (G.Krasske) D.B.Czarnecki, 1994 accepted as Achnanthes exigua f. heterovalvata Krasske, 1923 (additional source)
Achnanthes exilis Kützing, 1833 accepted as Achnanthidium exile (Kützing) Heiberg, 1863 accepted as Achnanthes exilis var. exilis Kützing, 1833 (basis of record)
Achnanthes exiloides Carter in Carter & Bailey-Watts, 1981 (basis of record)
Achnanthes expressa J. R. Carter in Hartley, 1986 (original description)
Achnanthes fimbriata (Grunow) R.Ross, 1963 accepted as Schizostauron fimbriatum Grunow, 1867 (basis of record)
Achnanthes flexella (Kützing) Brun, 1880 accepted as Eucocconeis flexella (Kützing) Meister, 1912 accepted as Cymbella flexella Kützing, 1844 (additional source)
Achnanthes flexella var. alpestris Brun, 1880 (basis of record)
Achnanthes flexella var. arctica (Lagerstedt) Cleve-Euler, 1953 accepted as Cocconeis thwaitesii var. arctica Lagerst., 1873 (basis of record)
Achnanthes flexella var. flexella (Kützing) Brun, 1880 accepted as Cymbella flexella Kützing, 1844 (basis of record)
Achnanthes fluviatilis A.Cleve, 1953 (basis of record)
Achnanthes fontana Round, 1959 (basis of record)
Achnanthes fonticola Hustedt, 1945 (basis of record)
Achnanthes frigida Hustedt, 1937 (basis of record)
Achnanthes fugei J.R.Carter, 1963 (basis of record)
Achnanthes gibberula Grunow, 1880 accepted as Crenotia gibberula (Grunow) Wojtal (additional source)
Achnanthes gibberula var. angustior Grunow in Cleve, 1895 accepted as Crenotia angustior (Grunow) Wojtal (basis of record)
Achnanthes gracillima Hustedt, 1927 (basis of record)
Achnanthes grimmei var. elliptica Krasske, 1927 (basis of record)
Achnanthes grimmei var. hyalina Hustedt, 1949 (basis of record)
Achnanthes grimmei var. inflata Krasske, 1927 (basis of record)
Achnanthes groenlandica (Cleve) Grunow, 1880 (basis of record)
Achnanthes hallandica A.Cleve, 1953 (basis of record)
Achnanthes hauckiana Grunow, 1880 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes hauckiana var. elliptica Schulz, 1926 (basis of record)
Achnanthes hauckiana var. rostrata Schulz, 1926 (additional source)
Achnanthes haynaldii Schaarschmidt, 1881 (basis of record)
Achnanthes haynaldii var. vulgaris Schaarschmidt, 1881 (basis of record)
Achnanthes holstii Cleve, 1882 accepted as Planothidium holstii (Cleve) Lange-Bertalot, 1999 accepted as Achnanthes holstii var. holstii Cleve, 1881 (basis of record)
Achnanthes hungarica (Grunow) Grunow, 1880 accepted as Lemnicola hungarica (Grunow) F.E.Round & P.W.Basson, 1997 accepted as Achnanthidium hungaricum Grunow, 1863 (additional source)
Achnanthes inflata (Kützing) Grunow, 1867 (basis of record)
Achnanthes intermedia Kützing, 1833 (additional source)
Achnanthes interrupta J.R.Carter, 1961 (basis of record)
Achnanthes kolbei Hustedt, 1930 accepted as Karayevia kolbei (Hudtedt) Bukhtiyarova, 1999 accepted as Achnanthes kolbei var. kolbei Hustedt, 1930 (basis of record)
Achnanthes kriegeri Krasske, 1943 accepted as Rossithidium kriegeri (Krasske) Bahls, 2019 (basis of record)
Achnanthes kryophila J.B.Petersen, 1924 accepted as Achnanthes chlidanos M.H.Hohn & Hellerman, 1963 (basis of record)
Achnanthes kryophila var. kryophila J.B.Petersen, 1924 (basis of record)
Achnanthes kryophila var. protracta Hustedt, 1937 (basis of record)
Achnanthes laevis Østrup, 1910 (additional source)
Achnanthes lanceolata (Brébisson ex Kützing) Grunow, 1880 accepted as Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Bukhtiyarova, 1999 (additional source)
Achnanthes lanceolata f. capitata (O. Müller) Hustedt, 1933 accepted as Achnanthes lanceolata var. capitata O. Muller, 1909 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata f. ventricosa Hustedt (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. bimaculata Hustedt, 1950 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. crassa Cleve-Euler, 1915 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. dubia Grunow, 1880 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica Cleve, 1891 (additional source)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptico-lanceolata (Schaarsmidt) R.Ross, 1986 accepted as Achnanthes haynaldii var. elliptica-lanceolata Schaarschmidt, 1881 (new combination reference)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptico-lanceolata (Schaarschmidt) Ross in Hartley, 1986 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. faeroensis G.S.Oesterreich (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. haynaldii (Schaarschmidt) Cleve, 1894 accepted as Planothidium haynaldii (Schaarschmidt) Lange-Bertalot, 1999 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. oestrupii A.Cleve, 1922 accepted as Skabitschewskia oestrupii (Cleve-Euler) Kulikovskiy & Lange-Bertalot, 2015 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. rostrata Hustedt, 1911 accepted as Planothidium rostratoholarcticum Lange-Bertalot & Bąk in Bąk & Lange-Bertalot, 2014 (additional source)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. ventricosa Hustedt, 1914 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lapidosa Krasske, 1929 accepted as Nupela lapidosa (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot, 1999 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lapponica (Hustedt) Hustedt, 1933 accepted as Eucocconeis quadratarea (Østrup) Lange-Bertalot, 1999 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lapponica var. fennica Cleve-Euler, 1934 accepted as Cocconeis lapponica var. fennica Cleve-Euler, 1934 (basis of record)
British Isles for Achnanthes longipes C.Agardh, 1824 

Cleve, 1896 [details]


non Chaetoceros gracilis Pant., 1892 [details]


non Lemm., 1904 [details]


Synonymised with Chaetoceros willei according to B. Hartley. [details]


Considerd as a variety Achnanthes laceolata var elliptica [details]


Considered as a variety instead of subspecies: Amphora laevis var leavissima (Gregory) Cleve, 1896 [details]


Amphora dibia Gregory, 1857 [details]


Referred to as Chaetoceros borealis densus by B. Hartly. [details]


Spelled as Chaetoceros ceratosporus[details]


Spelled as Chaetoceros contortus [details]


Spelled as Chaetoceros ingolfianus [details]


N. kotschii[details]


synonymised with Amphora laevis [details]


This is a new name for Amphora graeffi (Grunow) Cleve 1896, non A. graeffi Grunow ex Schmidt, 1875 [details]


Synonymised with Amphora pussio [details]


Synonymised with Auricula minuta [details]


It concerns the following synonymised species: Chaetoceros gracilis sensu Apstein, 1909, non Schütt, 1895, nec ... [details]


Also mentioned as syn. Of N. marnieri Manguin, 1957. [details]


Syn. Of N. retusa cancellata according to Hartley (1986). [details]

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